
Friday, July 12, 2013

Chapter Two Complete!

Finally! I have finished Chapter Two! I sat down at my computer, turned off my phone, put on some music and got things done! I'm so happy!

When I was at the writer's conference back in February someone mentioned during one of the panels having a routine that you go through when you write. For example, one person had a special hat they wore whenever they would sit down and write. Not only did this let his family know that he would be writing, but it eventually became a trigger for his brain so that when he did sit down and write it was easier for him to do so provided he had the hat.

This got me thinking that I should have a routine myself or something like the hat to wear that will become my own trigger. I have plenty of hats that I could use, but I wanted something that was my own, something that represented me in some way and well none of my hats actually do that.

That's when I came up with it. SOCKS. Normally I just wear regular, plain old white socks because to me crazy fun socks aren't as fun if you have yo cover them up with your shoes. But who says I have to wear shoes when I write? Hmm?

So I bought myself some brightly colored socks and have made them my "Writer's Socks." Did I stop there with the crazy socks? Of course not, because anyone can wear crazy socks and it doesn't really stand out too much. But what if you wore two completely different crazy socks? Totally stand out! Not that anyone would really be seeing me as I write, but hey, whatever. ;)

Along with the socks I have added a cup of peppermint tea. Don't ask me why, but I think that in my brain it makes me feel more official and more like a writer if I have a steaming cup of something or other to drink. I don't drink coffee, so that was a no no. Hot cocoa would work but there's all of that sugar and drinking that much cocoa wouldn't exactly help my whole getting more healthy thing I've got going. But peppermint tea, yes, that would do just nicely. :)

I also had a PB and J sandwich today, which I may or may not include with the whole thing. I think it will depend on the time of day when I start writing and such.

Anyways, so I closed the bedroom door, sat at the desk and got to work. Two hours and 3318 words later, chapter two was finally complete. Again, I am so happy I finally got it done! After nearly three months of distractions and troubles it has finally been completed.

Thank you everyone that is still sticking with me on this. I know it's probably not that easy wanting to keep up with such a sporadic authoress like myself. So thank you again.