
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Another Blog?

Yes everyone, I am starting another blog page. This blog is being created as part of my decision to take my writing more seriously.

I have spent the past three days at Life, the Universe, and Everything, a writer's convention in Provo, UT (if you want to know more about LTUE, visit their webpage by clicking the link under my "Links" tab). It has been an incredible learning experience and I am so very grateful for the opportunity I have had to be here and hear from the"Masters of My Trade" so to speak. :)

So, like I said, this blog has been created as a part of my decision to take my writing more seriously. I will be posting updates of my progress as I work towards completing a manuscript. I have two of them in particular that I would like to focus on. The first is a fantasy story geared towards young adults. It is the story of a fifteen year old girl who discovers a portal into another world and the adventures she has there with her siblings and friends. Basically. It's far more complex than that (something I absolutely love, as those close to me are well aware of), but I don't want to give too much away. I have the first draft of this story completed, but that "The End" was put there when I was in the 7th grade and let me tell you, it needs A LOT of work. But, I look forward to doing it!

The second for an older audience (like, college age) and it's a realistic fiction involving 5 college roommates (all boys) and the adventures they embark on together. This story is more of a "feel good" read then an exciting, adventure kind of thing (like my fantasy) but it is one that I am very excited about as well. The idea came to me fairly recently, so I only have the basic outline completed at this point, but I can't bring myself to putting it on the back burner entirely just yet.

I have to tell you, right now my major focus is on the fantasy, so when I post it will most likely be updates in regards to that one. But there will be times when I am working on the second idea, so posts related to that story will pop up as well.

Anyway, back to the why of this blog. I needed something to help keep me accountable for my writing. If I know that I have to post some kind of an update at least once a week on the progress of my story(s) then I will feel more of a drive to work on and complete it.

I hope that any of you who decides to read this will enjoy the journey as much as I will. Feel free to comment if you would like, and I will do my best to reply to comments when needed. Also, I may ask questions within my posts, so if you have an answer or idea, please, please, PLEASE comment!

Now, without further ado, let the writing begin...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finding something you love to do. It reminds me of my husband, we were living in SLC and he was working as an accountant, he hated it. One day he decided he wanted to be a journalist because he truly loved to write. That is how we ended up in Ephraim. He is now the managing editor and finally he he is doing what he loved.(most of the time lol)
