
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chapter One Complete!

I am so happy right now! I just finished the first chapter of my story! HOORAY! I know it probably sounds like a small accomplishment but it's an accomplishment!

I have been struggling to write the past few weeks. I've been stressed out about various things and feeling kind of down about them. When I get into those kinds of moods, it is really hard for me to sit down and just write. So, you can imagine the relief and joy I feel knowing that I was able to get that dang chapter finished! Ha, ha, ha.

It was interesting writing this chapter. I have learned some interesting things about my characters, particularly Dusty. I discovered that he has never really "taken the lead" so to speak when it comes to socializing. Not because he didn't want to or he didn't have anything to say, but he has been raised to believe that pleasing others is far more important than pleasing oneself. While it is good to be selfless and caring towards others, it is also good to take time for yourself. How else are you supposed to figure out who you are?

Also, and this is kind of a sad fact, he doesn't cry. I mean, I know guys as a general rule aren't as emotional as girls, but that's not what I'm talking about. Even when the boy had every good reason in the world to shed a tear, he refused. I'm guessing it has something to do with wanting to appear strong to his dad. I imagine the whole pleasing others first comes into play with that a bit too.

Gah! I just love learning knew things about my characters! It brings me so much joy!

Well, I am tired, and it's after midnight. Thank you all who are still taking the time to read this blog. I appreciate it!

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