
Sunday, March 16, 2014


It has been a while since I worked on my story (or any writing at all really), hence my lack of updates for this blog. I have been preoccupied with other things in my life and have, sadly, allowed my writing to take a back seat to everything else. This, I have decided, is going to stop.

This last Tuesday my dad and my sister went to a book signing for Shannon Hale. If you haven't read any of her stuff, I highly recommend her! She is a phenomenal author and an incredible person. When I was younger she and her husband lived in our neighborhood and they are just lovely people!

Anyways, so at the book signing Shannon mentioned that she spends 5 hours a day with writing. 2 hours to answer emails and such, 3 hours for writing. Now, Shannon has kids (including three year old twins), and when I heard she spends that much time, as well as raises her kids, I thought, "What's stopping me from doing the same thing? If she can do it, I should be able to as well."

So this is my new commitment. I am going to spend at least two hours of every day writing. Whether it's 8 15 minute blocks or a straight 2 hour haul, I'm going to do it. In order to do this, I had to evaluate how I spend my time outside of work and identify the time wasters that take away from my writing. The biggest culprits are Netflix and Facebook, with Youtube, Tumblr, and TV/Movies in general coming in at a close second. I also struggle with wasting time playing games on my phone. Once I figured this out, I decided that I will not allow myself to do any of these things until I have gotten my two hours in for the day. Period.

In addition to this commitment, if you haven't noticed already I have added a counter on this page which is a visual representation of my progress on the novel. I will update the counter daily as more of the story is written. I have also given myself a deadline to reach my goal of 100,000 words. The countdown for that is also displayed on this page.

Thanks to everyone who is still hanging in there with this. I know I'm not the most consistent with posting, but I am working at it.

Love you all!

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